Will-Vault helps you manage your Last-Will making process and storage with just a click in the Digital era. We guide and ease your process of transfer of your wealth to your next generation!.
24/7 updating by just a click.
The safe custody of your will.
Process of making a legal will.
Will vault works with all kinds of organised institutions, communities, companies, law firms and incorporated entities that register for a custodianship account with Will Vault International.
Its these custodians that issue and guide will-owners in drafting and accessing their wills for live update and storage on an annual subscription fee.
We focus on preserving and protecting the wealth transfer as wished by the Will maker in order to secure the future of their suvivor.
Start today to protect the rest
It’s a discretionary power of the will owner to update his / her Will without any interference and intervention from the Custodian or its agents.
The custodian is limited to only guide the client on how to draft his/ her will.
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